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Know The Tip Before Accepting A DoorDash Order

3 Ways To Know The Tip Before Accepting A DoorDash Order

Do you want to know the tip before accepting a DoorDash order??

 Warning. I am about to share with you three ways to figure out the tip on a DoorDash order. One of them is legal and requires some experience and math. The other two are technically cheating and can get you in trouble with DoorDash. Ie. It can get you deactivated. 

Disclosure time. This article is purely informational. Not promotional. Any action you take after reading this material and the consequences thereof, Courier Hacker will not be liable for. In other words, if you act on the information shared here (namely technique #2 and #3) and DoorDash boots you off their platform, it’s not my fault. 

How To Know The Tip Before Accepting A DoorDash Order

Okay, now that I no longer need to lawyer up, let’s get into it. Here are three ways to see the tip on DoorDash orders.

#1: Do Simple Math

The DoorDash pay structure is like this: 

Base Pay + Promotions (Includes Peak Pay) + Tips = Total Earning 

DoorDash’s base pay for an order is $3. Wow. If you stack multiple orders, it’s $2. Amazing.

If there’s Peak Pay, it’s usually $1-3 per order. And you can tell how much Peak Pay is at any given time. The app tells you this.

So. On any given order. Do the math. Generally speaking, you can estimate with high precision how much a tip is on a DoorDash order.

Offer – Base Pay – Peak Pay = Tip

You can’t see the tip. But this formula can be like x-ray vision.

If I get offered a $5 order during lunchtime, and I’m not stacking multiple orders, and the Peak Pay is $2, what does that mean?

$5 (Offer) – $3 (Base Pay) – $2 (Peak Pay) = $0 (No Tip)

It means the customer is a jabroni who didn’t tip. Decline.

What is the DoorDash mantra? No Tip, No Trip.

Okay, let’s get to the dangerous hacks. Again, this is informative. If you read this and choose to employ it and get kicked off DoorDash’s platform, you must live with it. Read on. 

#2: Use An Older Version Of DoorDash

Older versions of the DoorDash app show the tip. There are ways to download these versions on Android iPhones. 

Google “Doordash Dasher Android version 5.63.6”. 

Install the APK, disable Google Play Store, and then you can see total payouts.

Then live in fear of DoorDash finding out and deactivating you cause you violated the terms of the agreement.

Is it possible to get deactivated by DoorDash for using this older 5.63.6 version? 

As of 2021, yes. 

Recently the deactivation policy was updated at the beginning of 2021. And the language does seem to suggest its grounds for deactivation. See below:

  • Scraping. Using any robot, spider, web crawler, extraction software, automated process, and/or device to scrape, copy, index, frame, monitor, conduct any systematic retrieval of data or other content from any portion of DoorDash platform or its content.  

#3: Use An App That Allows You To See The Tip Payout

The hack above requires an android phone. But if you can find other third-party apps that allow you to see the tips by proxy, then the result will be the same.

How they work is like this: instead of having to download an older version of the DoorDash app, you download a third-party app. And that app accesses DoorDash’s API and retrieves the value of the tip. And then it tells you.

So basically, the third-party app is DoorDash 5.63.6. These third-party apps are out there. The Dasher community is aware of them. 

But Dashers who use these hacks should tread carefully. Using these third-party apps comes with risk. As it also violates the contractor’s terms of agreement you sign with DoorDash. 

In the deactivation policy, right under “Scraping” is this clause. Which is grounds for deactivation:

  • Unauthorized Access. In other words, gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to the DoorDash platform and/or any account, resource, computer system, and/or network connected to any DoorDash server. It includes any breach or circumvention of any security or authentication measures DoorDash may use to prevent or restrict access to the Doordash platform.



Food delivery platforms usually allow customers to rate, review and tip a courier after the delivery. DoorDash is unique among the food delivery platforms in that customer’s tip upfront. The tip is presented to the Dasher when they are offered an order. It results in a high emphasis on making the correct order selection as part of an effective strategy. One of the critical criteria is how much is this the tip, if any. DoorDash has since masked the tip in its user interface (UI). It has driven Dashers to innovate ways to figure out how to see the tip on DoorDash orders. Three ways to figure out the tips is doing simple math using the knowledge of the DoorDash pay structure. Or get a hold of DoorDash version 5.63.6, or get a third-party app that can relay the tip to the Dasher. The latter two can result in deactivation from the DoorDash platform. It might be better to learn basic math.

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