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Spending more than 12 hours behind the wheel

What Happens When You Spend More Than 12 Hours Behind The Wheel?

If people can make long road trips by staying behind the wheel for more than 12 hours, so can you. But should you do it?

Working as a rideshare and food delivery driver means you are sitting for hours on end. We all know that this is far from just being uncomfortable. It is hazardous to your health. It takes a chunk of focus from the next day you get behind the wheel when you are tired from the day before. 

Here is precisely what happens when you’re behind the wheel for more than 12 hours

  • According to a researcher, Dr. Melody Ding, Ph.D. at the University of Sydney, uninterrupted sitting can keep your body from burning fat.
  • Driving is a somewhat stressful activity. By practicing it for long hours at a time, you are putting yourself at risk for mental illnesses. 
  • When you decide to use more than half of your day driving, you leave some very confined hours for sleep. Meaning, there is no time for you to cook, exercise, or indulge in other home and personal activities. These may hold you back from personal development.  
  •  You are at a higher risk of being part of a road accident when you are tired.

Let’s be realistic. By now, you are probably racking your brains for a way around. A quick online search will show you a slew of “tried and tested” solutions.

What helps when you’re behind the wheel?

Audiobooks that make you think are a great idea to not doze off behind the wheel. They keep you engaged and awake. 

You could also invest in a sound entertainment system for your car, so you are not bored and uncomfortable. Most people talk themselves into being done for the day. You can cruise while listening to music.

A lot of you probably already practice all this. But there is a problem with the suggestions above. All the solutions are distracting for a driver. It can be very dangerous. 

It is very tempting to work to your maximum limit in a gig economy. You don’t have to work from 9 to 5. There’s a limit to how much your mind and body can take.

Before you consider quitting because you’ve had it with driving more than half a day to complete gigs, keep in mind that there are plenty of ways to keep your life in balance and your health in check while working.

Look after yourself

Make healthier food choices. It’s easy to give in to fried food, but there are tons of healthy, packed, and affordable food options. 

For stress, meditate before you begin your workday. Just give yourself a few minutes, empty your mind from the pressure of what you anticipate, and let your mental state recharge. 

A surefire way to make your mental and physical self healthier is to workout. Reserve at least four days to exercise before you start your work. When you put it off after you’re done with rides or food deliveries, you are never going to do it on account of being too tired. 

Exercising will help you feel motivated about approaching the day. The stamina you build won’t make you feel like driving has just become draining. 

Remember to use your time and brain capacity wisely. When you drive for over 12 hours straight, it should not get in the way of you unwinding and recharging so that you can get back to completing gigs the next day.

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